Saturday, January 29, 2011


Dabus dance is another dance that has the elements of trance like the kuda kepang and barongan. It is believed to have been created as form of a pasttime during the time of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. and his friends, Saidina Abu Bakar, Saidina Omar, Saidina Osman and Saidina Ali. It is possible that this dance was used to train the soldiers during the wars with the enemies of Islam. The warriors were said to perform this dance to show their bravery, frighten their enemies and to spread the word of God.
Tt was brought to Malaysia via Sumatera by traders and evangelists in the 18th Century. The Dabus is popular in certain states in Peninsular Malaysia especially in Perak wher it is believed to have been first performed in Pasir Panjang, Sitiawan.
It is believed that this dance has the power to heal, medicate and to prevent the spread of disease. However this belief has diminished slightly and this dance has undergone the inevitable changes.
This dance combines three traditional arts; singing, dancing and the ability and the bravery of the dancers in using sharp equipment called the ‘anak dabus’ (a sharp equipment with a small bells at the top). In the original form of this dance, the dancers actually stab themselves with the 'anak dabus' and stones were hurled at them without causing any injuries.

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